

This tag is associated with 3 posts

Proud to be a war quant

I’ve just re-read Douglas W Hubbard’s The Failure of Risk Management.  It’s an odd book in that while I agree with most of what’s in it, I’m not particularly convinced by the overall story suggested by the subtitle: Why It’s Broken and How to Fix It. Hubbard’s theme is that we do not do enough, […]


One of my previous Wanderings mused on the power of soundbites, and specifically the encomium, “nothing between men is 3 to 1.”  Turned into more mathematical language we get the Harry the Horse Theorem: in a two point sample space where the outcome is affected by the action of humans, managers, or anyone else who thinks […]

Where did the BBC go wrong?

It is a truth universally acknowledged that having some kind of ‘best practice’ (enterprise) risk management system will keep you out of trouble.  Well, it is if you read the standard risk management stuff, books on reputational risk management and the like.  But as the BBC’s reputation stands in tatters it’s worth asking what went wrong.  Is it the […]