The Risk Agenda helps its clients by carrying out specific risk analyses, by supporting the development of their own risk processes, and through general management consulting. We also make the tools we develop available as products for the benefit of our clients.
Specific Risk Analyses
We work with clients to identify the risks they face, or may face, and the opportunities open to them. This leads on to prioritisation of the risk issues and the development of management plans for the significant risks.
We specialise both in working with senior managers and in using workshop environments to elicit the broad range of issues which needs to form the input to the analysis.
Risk Modelling
We also specialise in presenting the results in quantitative ways which provide the optimum means of measuring risk. We have techniques for ensuring that quantitative results are easily obtained, are useful and are credible. We have a clear approach to developing high level risk models which avoid the pitfalls of detailed risk registers.
Risk modelling forms the topic of our book on quantitative analysis Estimating Risk which is described in more detail on our resources page.
Risk Mapping
As a result of many years of working with clients to develop risk registers and risk models we think there is a missing link: the risk map. The aim of the risk map is to provide a clear model of the system which can be used both to refine the risk register and create the model.
Risk Management Systems
We work with clients to apply the latest thinking on effective risk management to their unique environment with its specific systems, processes and culture.
Because we believe strongly that risk management is not an additional or new activity, but one that has always been the responsibility of managers, it is essential that the more formal approach recognises this. This is a key topic in our book Better Futures: tools for dealing with uncertainty. Again you can find more on our resources page.
General Management Consulting
It is precisely because of this that we are also asked to undertake more general management consulting assignment. Management is risk management. (What do managers do but plan, carry out and monitor actions which will tend to make make the future more favourable for their organisations – a good definition of risk management?)
We help organisations to identify issues, analyse them and find solutions. Our style is consultative yet rigorous.
We have considerable experience of providing training, both in risk and in consulting development. For example, we previously offered a joint course with RedAmber Consulting on Practical Risk Tools including running risk workshops and developing risk models under the auspices of the Institute of Risk Management.
Given the number and range of assignments that The Risk Agenda has been involved in it is inevitable that the work we do becomes standardised. Our aim is to move on to the next challenges and to support this we shall try to crystallise the approaches and deliver them as products that our clients can use.
Potential examples include risk database and risk quantification tools. We have now made our risk modelling tool Natural Monte Carlo available to people who are interested. You can download it from our software page.
Please visit the contact page if you would like to talk to us about these products and services.